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Get in the Game

January 21, 2013

Ten days ago, SeattleFootball Team in a Huddle was a football town. Blue and green jerseys were everywhere. The Seahawk store said the #3, Russell Wilson jersey was sold out! If you listened closely, you could even hear the ‘S’ word – Super Bowl.

And then we lost and were knocked out of the play offs. Other teams are still playing, but football has rapidly become a memory in Seattle. Hope will return in September, but for this season, it has virtually disappeared from the news.

Why the change? We are not playing any more. We are out of the game.

Energy comes from involvement. People who sit in the stands are not players, even if they are wearing a jersey! For Christians, that means living in such a way that our lives are making a difference for others. This may come from teaching, praying, singing, or serving at our local church, but it can also come from supporting others in an AA group, volunteering in the community, building relationships with neighbors, sport’s parents, or families as school.

Such activities put us in the game. Just like athletes on the field, we will experience fatigue and exhaustion at times. We will need to rest. But tired is a sign of spiritual health when it is a result of faithful service to others. And rest is a natural part of the process.

To never be tired because we have never exerted ourselves is a tragedy. I cannot imagine a team showing up for a game only to watch the other team play! If we want a faith that is characterized by watching, we should not choose to follow Jesus. His example is for us to be fully engaged.

Seattle is out of the playoffs; maybe it is time for us to get in the game.

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