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Church – Haunting or Healing

March 18, 2013

???????????????????????????????????????????An ambulance screaming toward a hospital emergency room is not unusual. A squirrel running from an oncoming car is not unusual. What is the difference?

The ambulance is taking someone toward health and wholeness. The squirrel is running for its life!

What do you look like on your way to church? Are you coming, broken in spirit and eager for God to apply a grace lesson that perfectly matches your diagnosis? Are you confident that when you are hurting, church is the BEST place to be?

Or do you find yourself running when you think about church? Are you afraid that you are not ‘good enough’ to be among those who gather? Do you think people have to have it all together, socially, theologically, or spiritually to go to church? Does church feel more like a painful reminder than a soothing ointment?

We are called to make our churches safe so that lives can be restored. Whether we feel like we are in a good space or struggling, we all need one another walking by grace to make it through life.

If you are hurting right now, stop and pray (the spiritual equivalent to calling 911). Ask God to help you find an emergency room (hopefully a local church) that can help bind up the wounds and hurts of your soul. We’re all a little squirrelly and prone to run. But what we really need is to visit a grace filled ER.

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